24 March 2016

Sparkly Return: My Favorite Metallic Paints

It's been a little bit to long since my last post, sorry about that, I haven't fallen of the web as some one pointed out on my Facebook Page, I've been just lazy...
I thought it would be nice to have a sparkly return so, for today I'm going to present my favorite water-based metallic paint.

The ones I use all the time are Winsor and Newton Designers Gouache Gold and Silver and the Daniel Smith Luminescent Iridescent Antique Watercolor Gold, Bronze, Copper and Silver.

I recently got a FineTec M600 6 Pearl Colors Set. It includes five different golds and one silver. These are all gorgeous, rich and very sparkly! I haven't painted anything with these yet, only this color chart, but I'm already in love!!!

Here is a closer view of the color chart including all the metallic paints I mentioned above.
On the left only one coat of paint, on the right two.

 Metallic paints are very difficult to photograph to show their beauty, I made a mini video on Instagram where you can see them better.


  1. Adoro absolutamente estos posts tuyos en los que compartes tan desinteresada y detalladamente los materiales con los que creas tu magia. Lo haces tan bonito que luego, cuando vemos lo que haces con ellos, no puedes evitar pensar: los necesito todos YA!!! jajaja, como si esos tubitos y pastillas trajesen también dentro un poquito de tu talento..! Gracias M. Mercedes!! :-*

    1. Isabela, tu comentario me llega al corazón y me hace sonreir!! Muchas gracias!!!! <3 <3 :)

  2. Beautiful colours! I've been wanting to get some metallic watercolour paints for some months now as I think I can incorporate them into my work in some fun ways, so thanks for the recommendations ��
