08 November 2013

Trying The Fabriano Classico 5 Fat Pad

Faber-Castell Polychromos Colored Pencils on Fabriano Classico 5 Fat Pad.
50% Cotton HP 300g Watercolor paper, nice for practice.
I wish it was portrait format instead of landscape... and the spiral a little bit smaller...


  1. I ordered some Fabriano 5 watercolor paper to try printing on it. It's hard to find here. I don't really like its criss-cross grain and prefer the Fabriano Artistico paper's texture.

    I am continually amazed at what you are producing with colored pencils, Maria. So beautiful!

    1. Thank you very much Kathleen. My favorite is definitely the Artistico but I wanted a sketchbook... The paper is HP so no visible grain...
